
Hi, and welcome to TrustForm. We help companies organise their most important data: their clients' information. With TrustForm, you can onboard new customers, streamline KYC and AML processes, and make regulatory compliance easy. In this guide, we aim to provide key information on how to use our platform.

Our goal is for you to use TrustForm as a golden source of information about your clients: to that end, all the client profiles are stored securely, and are easy to process, manage, visualise, update, and review all within our platform. TrustForm will help your account managers, compliance officers, and other team members to collaborate efficiently, in order to:

  1. Collect and verify customer credentials

  2. Identify and verify all associated entities, such as UBOs, directors, shareholders, etc.

  3. Perform KYC/AML checks for clients and all associated entities

  4. Review, approve or reject new clients

  5. Perform ongoing customer due diligence

In the following sections, you’ll find information on all key features within TrustForm.

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Last updated