
Landing page

The Accounts page is the landing page, where the user is redirected to upon authorisation. It helps view and manage client accounts, track verification statuses, and sort the account list by various attributes, such as priority, next KYC review date, etc.

The Accounts page displays a list of accounts, as well as key information on the status of each account:

  • Name

  • Type of account

  • Account status (Prospect, Active, Suspended, Rejected, Closed); set by account manager

  • Review status (Draft, Pending review, Update required, Verified); set automatically based on the verification status of forms in the account

  • Assigned managers; can be assigned by users or set automatically

  • Priority

  • Next KYC review date; set by reviewer / compliance officer in the Account Overview.

Account status options

  • Prospect

  • Active

  • Suspended

  • Rejected

  • Closed

Review status options

  • Draft

  • Pending review

  • Update required

  • Verified

Accounts visibility

For users with account management capability, all client accounts are visible, regardless of account status. For users with account review capability only, accounts with a review status other than "Draft" are visible. In other words, they can see accounts that require their attention are visible.

Data table filters

You can filter the accounts table by clicking the funnel icon in the top right corner. You can filter by client status, verification status, priority, and assigned manager. You can also select multiple filters at once.

Last updated