
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for financial services providers on how to use TrustForm Client Risk Assessment (CRA) Tool to assess client risk levels at any give point.


The TrustForm Client Risk Assessment (CRA) Tool integrates with an external calculation tool (Excel) to automatically evaluate the risk levels of clients during the onboarding process and, with a single click, across the client lifecycle. This helps manage client risk and respond to any changes in risk level effectively.

Moreover, automated risk calculation helps accelerate customer onboarding process, ensuring effective management of applications and higher client satisfaction. Getting Started

Before using the CRA Tool, ensure the following:

  • You have an active TrustForm account with the appropriate permissions.

  • The CRA calculation tool (Excel) provided by your company is prepared.

  • Separate CRA templates (Excel files) for each type of client (e.g., individual, corporate, trust, partnership) are available.

  • Necessary client information required for risk assessment is available, or will be provided by the client.

  • In case of the latter, all required fields are reflected accurately in the application form to facilitate the risk assessment process.

Last updated