
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for TrustForm users on how to effectively use the case management feature to request information, and track and manage client cases.

TrustForm Case Management Tool is designed to streamline the management of client cases, ensuring efficient resolution and enhanced client satisfaction.

Our platform currently supports two types of cases:

  • Information request – an inquiry sent to client to request further information and/or documentation. The request includes a free-form text table. The response can include a text table and a document attachment.

  • Identity verification – an identity check sent to the client or a relationship within the account (such as director, shareholder, or any other individual linked to the account).

In the following sections, you can find information on how to create, manage, and close cases for both these types.

Please refer to Identity check via Case Management section, to review the identity verification process from the request receiver's perspective.

Last updated