Identity verification

In this section, you can find information on managing Identity Verifications: Creating a New Case, Tracking Case Progress, Revoking the Request, Resolving and Closing Cases, Managing Cases

Creating a New Case

  1. Log in to your TrustForm account.

  2. Navigate to the profile of a Client you'd like to create a case for.

  3. Navigate to the "Cases" section by clicking Cases tab in the profile dashboard.

  4. Click on "Create case."

  5. Select "Identity verification" as the case type.

  6. Choose which entity within the account you'd like to request an identity check from, and provide the correspondent email address that you want to send the request to.

  7. Fill in the case details, including:

    • Your message to the client

    • Due date

  8. Click "Save changes" to come back to the case at a later moment. The case will be saved as a draft.

  9. Click "Send request" when are ready to send the request to the client.

  10. The client will be notified via email of a new idenitity verification request received.

Tracking Case Progress

  1. Navigate to the profile of a Client you'd like to review cases for.

  2. Use the search and filter options to locate specific cases based on criteria such as case ID, client name, or case author.

  3. Click on a case to view detailed information and status updates.

Revoking the Request

If your request is no longer relevant, you can revoke it.

  1. Open the case details page.

  2. Use the "Revoke request" button in the top right corner if you'd like the rewuest to be revoked.

  3. The client will be notified via email of the request being revoked.

  4. If they follow the link to view the case, they will not b able to provide any information and the message will be displayed that the case is now revoked.

Resolving and Closing Cases

  1. Once the identity verification is complete, update the case status to "Resolved."

  2. Add a final comment summarising the verification steps and outcome.

  3. Notify the client of the resolution and provide any necessary follow-up actions.

  4. Click "Close case" to mark the case as closed.

Managing Cases

  1. Use the "Cases" dashboard in the Client profile to monitor and manage all cases.

  2. Regularly review open cases to ensure timely resolution.

Please refer to Identity check via Case Management section, to review the process from the request receiver's perspective.

Last updated