ID verification

You can verify the authenticity of the client identity document without leaving TrustForm.


ID verification is a part of the standard customer due diligence flow - it authenticates an individual’s identity by reviewing and verifying their identification documents.

ID verification in TrustForm is performed using the IDenfy identity verification service.

As part of the ID verification document check, IDenfy service provides the following:

  • Document validation, incl.

    • Template validation

    • Font validation

    • Data validation

    • Fraudulent signs analysis

Getting started

The ID verification can be run by the logged-in TrustForm Users with the “Account management” capability.

The ID verification is available for the person’s ID check for the client’s applications submitted and seen in the TrustForm Interface.

The ID verification can be reached from the Proof of Identity section embedded into the Citizenship section.

Find the Proof of Identity section

  1. Open the TrustForm;

  2. On the Accounts page, choose and open the account that needs ID verification.

  3. Proceed to the Personal details section:

  4. In the right part of the window:

    1. Scroll down to the Citizenship section OR

Getting started

To run the ID verification - In the Proof of Identity subsection:

  1. In the pop-up window:

    1. Check that fields "First Name", "Last Name", and "Date of Birth" - are prefilled with proper client data taken from their profile.

    2. Select values for the rest of the fields: "Document type", and "Country of issue".

    3. Choose the file(s) with the ID representation(s) of the document's front and back side(s).


Last updated