Review ownership structure

TrustForm allows you to see a visual representation of the account structure and all related entities, such as directors and shareholders, to help you understand even most complex ownership structures

Visualise ownership structure

Account structure

  1. Click "Account structure" button at the top of the Account Profile, to view a chart that demonstrates all entities in the account structure and the relationships between them.

  2. Account structure showcases all relevant entities within the client account, where each block is labelled with name and type of entity. A red circle shows the number of outstanding tasks in the to-do list for each entity – click the circle to view all associated tasks.

  1. If you click on the entity block itself, you will be taken to the relevant entity's profile.

  1. The page allows for both vertical and horizontal layout. You can switch between the two by clicking the button in the top left corner.

  2. In addition, you can drag and move the blocks, to create a chart that is convenient for you to work with.

  3. A mini map in the bottom right-hand corner can help you navigate within the chart, when working with very large and complex account structures, with multiple linked entities.

Last updated