Automatic risk assessment

1. Client Data Collection

  1. During the onboarding process, clients will typically provide necessary data such as:

    • Personal information

    • Financial details

    • Geography of business operations

  2. This information is collected through the onboarding forms in TrustForm Client Area.

2. Automatic Risk Calculation

  1. Once the client completes the application form in the TrustForm Client Area, the provided data is automatically exported into the appropriate CRA Excel template.

  2. The CRA tool processes the data and calculates the client's risk level in real-time.

  3. The calculated risk level is then displayed within TrustForm, allowing for immediate review and action.

3. Viewing and Interpreting Risk Levels

  1. After the CRA tool has completed the calculation, the resulting risk level will be displayed in TrustForm.

  2. To view the risk level, navigate to the client's profile, Applicant tab, Customer Risk Assessment section.

  3. The risk level can be categorised as:

    • Low, Medium, High, Very High

    • or another categorisation, in accordance with your company's risk management policies.

  4. Review the risk level and take appropriate actions as per your company's risk management policies.

  5. If you have any notes you'd like to add, feel free to use Comments section.

4. Managing Templates

  1. If no template is available for calcualtion, no risk level will be displayed in the Customer Risk Assessment section.

  2. The CRA template used for the calculation can be viewed within the TrustForm UI for reference, in the Customer Risk Assessment section.

Last updated