Screening and monitoring

Background check

A background check on applicants and any related entities is an important part of any client onboarding and customer due diligence process. The screening function is integrated into the TrustForm client profile and runs the applicant’s name against trusted and industry-approved third-party databases.

  1. By clicking the "Search" button, the user is navigated to a page with search results, or matches, that can be sorted by type of entity, country, and date of birth.

  1. A smart search by name or title is also available in the results.

  1. For further information, click the search result to view detailed information on the match.

  1. Open a match to view further details. "Key info" displays general information about the match and the sanctions lists where the search entity appears. "Adverse media" displays information about matches found in open media sources on the web. For each result, you can go to the relevant web page where the information has been found.

  2. Users can review all the information and matches, if any. If you believe a match is correct, you can mark it as true “Match”.

  3. If no relevant matches are found among the search results, you can mark "None of the above" and add a comment to provide further information about their decision.

  1. You can download a search certificate PDF file onto your computer by clicking the "Download search certificate" button.

Instant check

  1. You can perform an instant KYC/AML screening check at any moment within the platform by visiting the Instant Check tab in the top panel.

  1. Enter the search parameters and click the "Search" button, which will take you to a page with search results. The resulting matches, if any, can be sorted by entity type, country, and date of birth.

  1. A smart search by name or title is also available in the results.

  1. Open a match to view further details. "Key info" displays general information about the match and the sanctions lists where the search entity appears. "Adverse media" displays information about matches found in open media sources on the web. For each result, you can visit the relevant web page where the information has been found.

  1. You can download a search certificate PDF file onto your computer by clicking the "Download search certificate" button.


The Monitoring function in TrustForm performs ongoing screening on all active clients. This enables a timely user response, should any changes occur in your client’s and related entities’ AML profile.

  1. When a client account has been marked as "Active”, the applicant and all associated entities will be monitored on an ongoing basis.

  2. In case of new matches, you will be notified immediately. You will be able to see matches in the "Monitoring" tab on the top panel.

  3. The "Associations" tab displays all accounts in the system that are linked to a person or a company that the search is performed on (e.g., if a match is found for a director, you will be able to see which company and which client account this director is associated with.)

  1. Click on the Monitoring tab in the header to see the list of all relevant persons and entities.

The table displays name, entity type, number of potential matches (hits), number of true matches (as marked by the user), and the current search status.

  1. Click the name to visit a page with search results, to view all matches and any new changes, as well as to set the match status and leave comments on each hit.

  2. Click on an individual search result to view detailed information about the potential match.

"Key info" displays general information about the match and the sanctions lists where the search entity appears.

"Adverse media" displays information about matches found in open media sources on the web. For each result, you can go to the relevant web page where the information has been found.

  1. You can download a certificate PDF file onto your computer by clicking the "Download certificate" button.

Last updated